Achilles and Patroclus的词源
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- associate: [14] Latin socius meant ‘companion’ (it is related to English sequel and sue), and has spawned a host of English words, including social, sociable, society, and socialism. In Latin, a verb was formed from it, using the prefix ad- ‘to’: associāre ‘unite’. Its past participle, associātus, was borrowed into English as an adjective, associate; its use as a verb followed in the 15th century, and as a noun in the 16th century.
=> sequel, social, society, sue
希腊神话中,帕特洛克罗斯(Patroclus)是希腊第一勇士阿喀琉斯(Achilles)的远房亲戚和挚友,两人一同随希腊联军出征特洛伊。后来,阿喀琉斯与联军统帅阿伽门农不合,拒绝出战。希腊联军在战场上节节败退。善良的帕特洛克罗斯不忍看到士兵们受苦,更不忍挚友的名誉毁于一旦,于是穿上挚友的阿喀琉斯盔甲出战。他假扮的阿喀琉斯参战曾让希腊军士气大振,杀了许多特洛伊人及同盟军,但最后被特洛伊王子赫克托尔所杀。阿喀琉斯得知挚友被杀的消息,怒发冲冠,重返战场,与赫克托尔展开了决斗,最后杀死了赫克托尔,为自己的挚友复仇。从此以后,人们就用Achilles and Patroclus(阿喀琉斯和帕特洛克罗斯)来比喻“结义兄弟、肝胆相照的好兄弟”。
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:Achilles and Patroclus 词源,Achilles and Patroclus 含义。